Friday, May 15, 2009

Banned Books

In English my pupils and I were researching a banned book, this project caused a lot of controversy within the classroom, leaving a lot of people wanting to express themselves.
Should books be banned? Yes, some books are especially made for adults. Some books contain sexual content such as infidelity and if infidelity I praised in the book children may think it is okay. Homosexuality is always a controversial issue regardless of the situation. Violence definitely because children will probably try and act out the violent situations book.
First, sexuality is a prime example of why books should be banned. Rape in the book can cause the child to try and mock what is going on in the book and if these actions remain with the child until adulthood they will be prosecuted to the full extent of the law. Homosexuality always causes controversy no matter what the situation, some families just won’t allow it. Incest, a very strongly banned topic because children shouldn’t be exposed to. The book Chocolate War has a numerous amount of sexual scenes that are just entirely unfit for children.
Second, homosexuality always causes a lot of controversy regardless of the situation, it could be between gat and straight, parent and child, or and adult and another adult. Homosexuality causes a lot of problems with religions, most religions believe in heterosexuality meaning male and female should only be together. Bullying can also become a factor when a person tells people that they are homosexuality and then this can cause people to react violently because they don’t understand. The Drowning of Stephen Jones is a perfect example of gay bashing he was killed because he wasn’t like everybody else and they couldn’t accept that so they reacted violently.
Third, violence is a major factor why books are banned. If the book is violently graphic, children may get scared or maybe repeat the actions that were expressed in the book. Murder is a very serious topic in book banning. Gangs! That word by itself causes problems just to a child in grade school forming a gangs just because he read a book talking about how cool being in a gang is and then his “crew” go and beat up another child then what? This could all be avoided if the book wasn’t allowed to such age group. The novel Of Mice and Men, when Lennie killed the girl because she wouldn’t be quiet he snapped her neck this book is a key example. Violence in a book could easily provoke a child to do violent things.
My standpoint on banned books is that some books are made for children and some are not!!!!!

Friday, May 8, 2009

The Novel Of Mice and Men

Would I read the novel of Mice and Men on my own time probably not, but after reading this book I really enjoyed it. The Novel of Mice and Men was a great book. There are tons of great things about this novel, for one it has terrific images. Characters I wouldn’t even call them characters I feel like I actually know them. The violence in the novel of Mice and Men is very entertaining.
First, the images in the novel of Mice and Men are terrific. The images are very vivid. This book feels like it is almost in 3-D because the setting pops out to me because of the such good word choice.” The water is warm too, for it has slipped twinkling over the yellow sands in the sunlight before reaching the narrow pool.
Second, Characters? Not even they’re more like friends. John Steinbeck chose a wide variety of characters. They’re highly amusing I laughed at least twelve times in each chapter. The characters choice of John Steinbeck is really interesting. “ You neva oughta drink water if it ain’t running, Lennie, he said hopelessly. “You’d drink out of a gutter if you were thirsty.
Third, in the novel of Mice and Men there were a lot of violence but it made the book more exciting. The violence in the novel was reoccurring it was sort of a motif. Although the violence was reoccurring a majority of the violence was accidental. When the violence kept happening it mainly dealt with Lennie, he was the main cause of everything violent. Lennie was petting the puppy and he killed it accidentally, he also killed Curly’s wife because she was screaming really loud when he was rubbing her hair so he snapped her neck.
When all is said and done, the novel of Mice and Men was good I was hesitant to reading it at first, but I have learned to never judge a book by its cover.

Friday, May 1, 2009

Beyond The Line

The Novel Of Mice and Men can easily be compared to another book. There are a few books that come to mind after reading one

chapter of the book these are the books that come to mind The Adventures of Batman and Robin, and Pinky and the Brain.

First, Who is the leader of Batman and Robin? People may say Batman but reading the novel Of Mice and Men I have a new

perspective. When Batman is in trouble who comes to rescue him ROBIN! Like in the Mice and Men Lennie doesn’t get credit for

what he does Lennie works hard to make the money to support George and himself but George never gives him credit for it.

Second, who is the leader in Pinky and the Brain? Brain Uh-duh. But take a minute to think who was always the voice of reason.

When Brain had big plans but they were also evil but when he took his plans out of control Pinky would always stop him or

become the voice reason and tell him to stop. Just like in the novel Of Mice and Men, Lennie went to get a drink of water from

the pond but instead of just drinking he stayed and looked at the ripples in the water. Does Lennie have greater intellect than

George gives him credit for?

In conclusion, those childhood shows that we use to watch we could easily find the leader but lets look back and see who is

really the leader.

Thursday, April 30, 2009

Between The Line

Why does George hang out with Lenny?
I think Lennie and George hang out because they both need each other there are several reasons why they need each other. For one, George needs Lennie to make the money and care for the two of them with his earnings. And Lennie needs George because Lennie doesn’t how to manage his money or take care of himself.

Who do you think is the leader of George and Lennie?
I think that Lennie is the leader because he makes all the money. Also I think he is the leader because George really needs Lennie because out him George might be reduced to killing or stealing to make a living.

Why did Curly’s wife marry him?
I think she married for his money. But it seems to be a win-win situation because Curly gets his trophy wife and she gets his money. Also I think she married him because she probably didn’t have the best child hood or didn’t get extravagant things the thing had was her looks so she use those to get what she wants.

Is Curly happy with his life?
I believe he isn’t happy because his life is fake. He never experienced what it is like to have a wife that loves him for him not his money. To me both Curly and his wife are both frauds, neither of then are in a relationship for just for their personal needs from my point of view.

Can you picture yourself in the book?
I can picture myself in the book. My name would probably be Reginald and I would work on the ranch me and Lennie would be close because I like animals but I wouldn’t like George because he is using Lennie fro his money.

Monday, March 16, 2009

The Demerit System of Constitution High school

The Demerit System of Constitution High school

One morning I was late to school and I was rushing. When I arrived at school I was slapped with 10 demerits because I wasn’t wearing a collared shirt. I was so mad because last year the collar rule wasn’t enforced and now the school wants to punish students for one little mistake.

Constitution High School’s science teacher Ms. Morson was promoted to the Dean of Students at the start of this school year. While in her position as the Dean she started a Demerit system. This system consists of a handful of rules that will punish students with demerits if broken.

Are there more ways to gain demerits than merits? It turns out that students think the demerit student system is highly irrelevant. From the students’ point of view, the demerit system and the teachers who enforce it are biased. S. H. 2011 said, “The demerit system is so ridiculous. We get in trouble for everything and the teachers are abusing this new system.” She is not the only one who feels this way.

Does the demerit system effectively keep Constitution High School in order? There is a large amount of students who dislike the demerits but what do the educators think about the new system? The teachers seem to think that the system is the best thing to happen to Con High since the appointment of Ms. Morson to Dean of Students. One teacher, who wanted to remain anonymous, said, “The demerit system is a good way to allow the kids a chance to gain privileges and also be rewarded for their citizenship and behavior, but if the children don’t behave themselves they will be penalized and this will most likely help them learn from their mistakes.”

There will always be people who like and dislike the demerit system, but is there anyone who is willing to work to change the system? In pursuit of an answer, I discovered that a few students like the demerit system but they think it needs a couple of adjustments. A majority of the students that want to make changes said they would make the system more lenient. Instead of being penalized the students should be given strikes. F.J 2011 said, “ If it were up to me I would make demerit cards and if your whole card gets filled out then you would be punished.”

The Entire Constitution High School has opinions about the demerit system some people like it, some hate it, and others just want to make changes. But the question is, will the administrators change the system to suit everyone?

Ishmael Johnson

Monday, February 23, 2009

The Season of My Life

What season of your life are you in? Well, in my life I’m in spring that means that I really don’t have any priorities. I don’t even wash dishes, sweep, or mop my life is basically carefree. I’m very goofy I laugh when aren’t even funny. Playful no, that’s not even the word. I’m beyond playful.

First of all, being carefree is great. I throw eggs at people without worrying about the consequences. I play tackle football in my good clothes, because I know my mom is going to buy me more clothes. One may call my favorite pass time running the halls of Constitution High School even though its wrong but who cares. On Mischief Night My friends and I throw eggs at people that we dislike or whom we don’t even know.

I‘m very playful. I don’t know when to stop. I play childish games like mocking people, or tying people shoe strings together I love doing these things, they keep me full of life, When people tell me to stop I laugh and continue doing what I was doing. Just recently, I was in Geometry class and one of the students said “Ish stop playing all the time! Be serious for-once dang.” Then I just continued to play-acting like they never said a word.

Being goofy is my forte. I’m the best at it! I laugh at everything even when there isn’t anything to laugh at. When people trip, stumble, or fall-hurt or not-I think that’s hilarious! Sometimes I just burst out laughing for no apparent reason Last year in Spanish class I burst out laughing and Mr. Todd had to send me out the class for a drink of water.

When all is said and done, being goofy, carefree, and playful, keep me I the spring time of my life knowing that I will have to grow up, I hope it doesn’t come to fast. But after finishing this paper I feel like I might have crossed over to the summer of my life, not a lot will change though.

Wednesday, February 11, 2009

The Whipping

Some people learn to abuse from their parents and may continue to abuse their loved ones because they don’t know how to express themselves. Well here is a poem written by Robert Hayden, which is titled The Whipping. I enjoyed this poem because it has great images. Even though this poem has great images I couldn’t help but laugh. The Whipping is comical but it is definitely realistic in its own way.

First of all, the images in the poem are very vivid. The author really showed me what was going on in the poem. I also felt like I was in the setting the poem. The author of The Whipping also kept me engaged in the poem.

Second, The Whipping is very humorous from my point of view. One part the poem that I found entertaining are the following lines “She strikes and strikes the shrilly circling boy till the stick breaks in her hand”. I also found the part of the poem hysterical when the old woman was tired after chasing the boy with the stick.

Finally, the poem is also very realistic. The Whipping really hit home, it made me think about when I was younger and I would run from my mom when she tried to beat me. The topic that the author chose was a great topic I could really relate too.

When all is said and done, The Whipping by Robert Hayden is a great poem with wonderful images, great humor, and its very realistic. Next time you see a Robert Hayden poem pick it up because I can bet you will like it.